Saturday, April 16, 2022

Adrenaline Dump

I figured out that adrenaline dump is a real thing. The day of the incident with Pedro, once he was settled and the vet had left, I went to work and so did Ronnie. I made it through my work day and got home. Once I got home, I had to feed the animals and water them. Ronnie got home late since he had to come home and help me. I had already eaten dinner when he got home. When he got home, he ate dinner. It was getting dark out. Ronnie turned on the television to try to relax a few minutes. Neither one of us lasted long. It was 8:30 pm and neither of us could keep our eyes opened. I mean exhaustion had a hold of us. I am not a good sleeper, I am up several times a night because I just cannot go to sleep and stay they way. However, on that night, I slept for 9 and a half hours without waking up. That adrenaline dump is real. I have never felt that tired before. It was so hard to stay awake during working and doing everything else that day. 

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