Saturday, April 30, 2022

The One That Started It All

Good ole Cracker Jack. He has been limping lately and hanging out in one spot because his foot hurts. I got him to show me his hood and he had mud in it. I got it partially out and he was over it. I sat there and loved on him for a bit. Without Cracker Jack, Mattie’s Mountain might not have even been a thought. If you don’t know Cracker Jack’s story I will give you the short version. Donkeys do not do well alone. They need a companion. His companion donkey had passed away and the owner did not want him to go to auction. We took the donkey. The donkey needed friends so we got some goats and with the goats came a couple of pigs. That’s how it started. Cracker Jack is still here and he is loved so much. I continue to tell him that. Sometimes things just work out. Look at us now. 

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