Wednesday, April 13, 2022

More Visitors

We had some more Arkansas visitors in town over the weekend. My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew were down to see the farm. We had so much fun. The animals all behaved and were able to be loved on. The horses really took to my sister. Jeb was even nibbling on her while she laughed hysterically. Mattie of course was the first animal they came into contact with. He was excited to see new people. Tanner loved them all. He was able to love on the animals. He took to the sheep pretty quickly. Tyler did help me with some chores and he seemed to enjoy the animals also. Lacey started chasing chickens because she wanted to hold one. Edith was able to be caught and Lacey was able to hold a chicken. Lacey also loves cows and she was able to love on Alex and Jasper, so that was exciting. Tanner was able to go on a couple of real egg hunts. It was such a good time. I was sad to see them leave. 

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