Thursday, May 30, 2024


I came home to find 20 round bales of hay. We needed them and it was such a beautiful sight to see. The animals will be happy about the hay.

Luna is still in the garden with the chicks. I am glad they are cute since the garden is growing finally. 
Lucky was eating with the chickens again today. It was a hot day for sure, so I was shocked to see the goats up and around. 

Annabeth and Rena are the luckiest animals on the whole farm. I hope they both know that. They are happy and healthy and in the coolest place on the farm. 

I saw Athena hanging out with the chickens. That is so funny to me, but whatever works for them. 

The cows looked happy today, even with the heat outside. 

The donkeys and goats in the pasture were enjoying their day in the fields. 

The cats were all home again tonight. 


It is another hot day outside. Luna is taking her chicks all over the place. She really likes it in the garden for some reason. She is teaching them where I throw the chicken feed also. Luna is showing the chicks what to do when she leaves them. They are growing fast. 

Yeller was relaxing in the green grass out by the dogs today to stay cooler. I am glad those cats and dogs are friends. 

We let Noma out of the pen today. She acted like she did not want to get out of the pen. She finally and reluctantly left the confines of the pen and back to her children. I really do not think she wanted to, but she did. 

The sheep gave me some attention today. They are the best.

Rojo somehow got himself in a situation. It happens around here. He was caught up in some string. Somehow he was caught with both legs in the string. He could. Not run fast. Ronnie and I had to work together to get the string off him. Rojo did not appreciate me holding onto him, but I had to get pictures to remember the day I held a full grown rooster. 

I had wondered if Tux was still around. Apparently he is. He is a fast cat, so I did not get a picture of his face, but I had to look at him and then Onyx to make sure I knew which was which. I guess Tux is still living here at this time. 

Monday, May 27, 2024


It was another hot day. It is so early in the season for that, but this is West Texas.  I should not be surprised. 

I got home late. The donkeys and goats were all happy out in the pasture. They did not seem bothered at all about the heat. 

Somehow Mattie got his halter all messed up. It is a mystery on how that happened. It happened several days ago and he just allowed me to fix it today. Mattie is a donkey, so I should not be surprised it took so long. 

Luna is still doing well and still has 4 chicks. They are all doing great. 

Yeller was relaxing out of the sun. 

I got to see Jelly going across the goat pen to get into the shop to eat. 


Ursula is such a sweet cat. I know she got here with a a wild circumstances, but she is definitely here for a reason. That cat is the best. I love her so much. 

We had some visitors over here tonight. I really do love to see how people connect with these animals. It brings me joy. I also love to hear that it is peaceful on the farm. I do pray for people to have peace when they come out here. The unfriendly goats even allowed these people to feed them with their hands. That does not happen often. It warmed my heart for the people and the animals. 

I did see something I had not expected to see. Mattie got jealous he was not getting attention and started kicking at the horses to get them away from the fence so him and Willow could get more attention. The horses went away just like Mattie wanted to happen. 

Ronnie even taught the youngest to drive the tractor. She felt so accomplished with driving the tractor. It was a good time. 

I have been checking up on the momma hen and her chicks. I think I have decided to name her Luna. She is being a good mom. I do like to see that. Some of the hens who have had chicks around here have not always been good, so I am happy to see Luna is good. 

The full moon is getting closer. It sure is pretty. 

I also got some pretty pics of the sky from the other side. The cats were all home tonight. 

Maggie is so blind and deaf these days. She got lost coming in the house and had to go over and see Onyx. 

I did notice Oden is still roosting in the tree. 

The donkeys came in at sunset. They do that and then go into the barn for the night. They sure are smart. 

Sunday, May 26, 2024


I got home later than normal. Well, it may be my new normal. Who knows? 
I asked Ronnie about the hen and the chicks and he said he had not seen them and he had been looking for her. I did find her in the barn with the chicks. They sure are cute. 

Tinkerbelle makes me laugh. She continues to be funny with scratching her own back. I do not know why that makes me laugh, but it does. 

Yeller was staying cool in the dirt and the grass. He knows how to stay cooler. 

Bubba was really wanting attention today. He is breaking my heat, but I am holding on to every second.

The full moon is coming. The clouds and the moon were so pretty. West Texas is beautiful. 

Jelly made a point to come see me. He is such a great cat. Once he came to see me, the other four did also. 


I did make it home today. It is always a hard thing to leave Arkansas, but I am always happy to get back home to Texas. I always know when I am almost home when that red dirt starts rising and the heat is turned up a notch. 

I got to see the baby chicks. They are so cute. That hen is super protective like all hens, so I stayed back a bit. 

It was good to see the donkeys and goat out in the pasture. They sure are pretty. 

It was over a hundred degrees today. I am not excited for many days of that. It is what it is at this time. The horses were standing under a tree to keep the sun off them. 

I did not stay out too long when I got home. I was exhausted and went to bed early. 


I had a good time seeing family today. I was exhausted after all the things we got completed while I was there. 

I also got a text from my husband with a picture of a hen with chicks behind her.  Apparently we had a surprise clutch of eggs hatch. They sure look cute. I was excited to see them.

I also was reminded on this trip before I left something important. I have such a sweet patient who was picking up on the fact I was nervous about driving myself to Arkansas. I have done it more than once, but it is such a long trip. She was so sweet, she bought me a cute little toy to put on my dash to know I was not completely alone. It was a very sweet gesture. I did put the toy on the dash for the trip.