Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Normally on Saturday we have people out here to work. The Lord knew I needed some rest, so it started raining Saturday. It rained most of the day. I was grateful and got some much needed rest. 

It has been raining more than it normally has and the grass is starting to get green. The horses are enjoying the green grass.

The animals got their morning hay and they were glad about that. 

I gave Noma some treats. I just thought she needed some extra attention. Of course Mattie felt like he needed some also. 

I found Yeller using a trash bag full of dirt as a blanket. It was chilly, but I am not sure it was that chilly. As soon as I saw him, he got up and went into the shop. I am sure it was warmer in there. How creative is that? These animals are smart. 

Pepper hates pictures, but I attempted to get a picture of her in the green grass. 

I did some resting today and working on a few things I have going on. Bubba was desperate for attention and decided to wrap his arm around my neck like a hug. How sweet. 

Most of the animals were lying around today. I am sure it is because of the rain. They were all being lazy and resting. It kind of reminded me of me since I was doing a lot of laying around because of the weather. 

The horses stayed in the barn while it was raining on and off all day. They did not want to get wet. They did come out to eat though. 

The cats stayed on the hay bales under the carport to stay out of the rain. 

The clouds were pretty crazy looking.

When it did start raining, the most of the animals took cover under their shelters. 

Ronnie and I attempted to get finished with feeding before it started to rain, but we did not make it. We finished feeding in the rain. The animals did eat in the rain and then went back to their shelters. 

The donkeys and goats stayed under the trees in the rain storm. 

Jasper did eat tonight, so that concern is over. 

I had hopes to see the Northern Lights that had been all over the US last night. We did not see any of them on Friday due to the clouds. It was cloudy and rainy on Saturday, too, but I saw a heart shaped area in the sky that was clear. That gave me some hope that maybe I would see something. 

It was still very cloudy out. I only saw a small sliver of clear with what looked like could be some blue and purple like from the Northern Lights. I took pictures of what I saw and believe that maybe I got to see a little. I think I still need to go to Alaska to see the Northern Lights there. 

Oreo and Ursula were being sweet friends tonight. I do like to see them being friends. I know they both get lonely. 

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