Sunday, May 12, 2024


Today me and a couple of friends did a small booth to advertise Mattie’s Mountain. We had a great day. There were lots of conversations on mental health and Mattie’s Mountain. It was productive for sure. I even found me a charm that reminds me of my Grandma. I do enjoy doing those and talking to people, but they do exhaust me after a full day. I am glad it went so well. I have a few more scheduled for this year. 

I knew there was a chance of rain and as I was leaving the store after the event, I knew it was coming fast. The rain hit as soon as I got home. I was grateful it waited until then. It was truly a down pour and that would have not been fun to drive in. Once the storm was over, I happened to look outside and there was a beautiful rainbow. I saw half of it and decided to run out the front door to see if it was a full rainbow. It was not only a full rainbow, but a double rainbow. It made my heart so happy. I was exhausted and could barely move, but that rainbow reminded me of the hope the Jesus can bring. 

I had a renewed sense of energy and was able to go take a few more pictures. The garden is looking good and I saw Jelly had come home. The donkeys were all out in the pasture under the beautiful sky. The. Sky really did show off tonight. 

Pepper is such a princess. She did not want to get her feet wet in the flooded back yard, but to get back into the house, she had to. She finally did. 

Later after the rainbow, it started raining again and I did get a beautiful picture of clouds and a lightning strike. I do love this place and I am grateful the Lord will give me a renewed sense of hope on the farm and helping others with mental health. 

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