Sunday, May 5, 2024


I was out doing some home health visits and I saw this incredible cloud. I had to pull over and take a picture of it. The cloud was beautiful. I saw it and had a feeling there was going to be a storm coming in. 

Suzie Q was wanting in the coop again, so I opened the door and she ran right in there. 

I watched Melody in the shop drinking some water. Chickens always take a drink and look up to the sky. It amazes me each time I see it. 

When I got home, I took more pictures of the horses under those beautiful clouds. The horses make the pictures look better. Horses make so many things better. 

Mattie and Willow were allowing the chickens to eat with them today without making a big fuss. 

Noma seems to be enjoying her time in the pen. She is doing some relaxing and she is able to eat all of her food and not have to fight for it. I do not blame her for liking it in the pen. 

It was such a hot day today, the chickens were staying cool by the water troughs in the shade. 

Yeller was hot today, too, but he was choosing to be up on the porch. He was napping pretty heavily in the heat. He sure looked peaceful. 

Athena and Onyx were hanging out in the shade by the garden tonight. Maggie and Pepper were hanging out with them for a few minutes. 

I planted some squash seeds a couple of weeks ago and they are growing. I was so excited to see that. 

Bubba decided to stand at the opened door getting some fresh, but hot air. He did not attempt to run out the door. I did not blame him. It sure was hot out. Later Bubba gave me some attention. He sure is a sweet boy. 

I went out later to let the dogs out one more time before bed and Jelly was hollering at me, so I waited and gave him some attention. 

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