Thursday, May 30, 2024


It is another hot day outside. Luna is taking her chicks all over the place. She really likes it in the garden for some reason. She is teaching them where I throw the chicken feed also. Luna is showing the chicks what to do when she leaves them. They are growing fast. 

Yeller was relaxing in the green grass out by the dogs today to stay cooler. I am glad those cats and dogs are friends. 

We let Noma out of the pen today. She acted like she did not want to get out of the pen. She finally and reluctantly left the confines of the pen and back to her children. I really do not think she wanted to, but she did. 

The sheep gave me some attention today. They are the best.

Rojo somehow got himself in a situation. It happens around here. He was caught up in some string. Somehow he was caught with both legs in the string. He could. Not run fast. Ronnie and I had to work together to get the string off him. Rojo did not appreciate me holding onto him, but I had to get pictures to remember the day I held a full grown rooster. 

I had wondered if Tux was still around. Apparently he is. He is a fast cat, so I did not get a picture of his face, but I had to look at him and then Onyx to make sure I knew which was which. I guess Tux is still living here at this time. 

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