Sunday, May 26, 2024


I got home later than normal. Well, it may be my new normal. Who knows? 
I asked Ronnie about the hen and the chicks and he said he had not seen them and he had been looking for her. I did find her in the barn with the chicks. They sure are cute. 

Tinkerbelle makes me laugh. She continues to be funny with scratching her own back. I do not know why that makes me laugh, but it does. 

Yeller was staying cool in the dirt and the grass. He knows how to stay cooler. 

Bubba was really wanting attention today. He is breaking my heat, but I am holding on to every second.

The full moon is coming. The clouds and the moon were so pretty. West Texas is beautiful. 

Jelly made a point to come see me. He is such a great cat. Once he came to see me, the other four did also. 

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