Saturday, May 25, 2024


The horses got a new hay bale yesterday. When I got out this morning, those horses were eating up that hay bale. They really have been going through the hay faster these days. 

I got to play with some baby kittens at a patient’s house today. That always makes me happy. Kittens are cute.  

The dogs were looking nervous when they ate. It did look like it was going to rain. It was going to pour at any minute. 

The donkeys and goats did not seem to mind the rain clouds coming in. They do not worry about much honestly. They have all they need and they know it. 

Hercules was out by the chicken coop eating the chicken feed. He still does that occasionally.

Mattie and Willow were following Ronnie across the pasture. That was a sight to see. I had to laugh. 

The donkeys and goats did come in by the barn when the clouds were getting thicker. 

The pigs were oblivious to what was going on with the clouds. They are funny little creatures. 

The horses were giving me some attention today. That is always nice.

There is something about the clouds rolling in. Those clouds are gorgeous to watch. 

Athena was sitting by a ground squirrel hole. She was not moving from that spot. She was watching so intensely.

Willow and Mattie were following me around today. They just crave attention. They make me laugh. 

It did eventually rain. 

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