Saturday, May 25, 2024


It was a beautiful morning in West Texas. The animals were all roaming around with the green grass. 

Mattie and Willow will not get away from each other even for a second. It really is sweet to watch those two. 

Jelly was cute up on the hay bales. He is certainly cute and I do love to see him being at home. 

Jeb will make me crazy. He was laying down with the other horses around him. It is an interesting thing to watch. 

The chickens were having dust baths again today. They do like their little dust baths and their new little spa they have made themselves. 

It was a hot day. The donkeys and goats were way out in the back of the pasture enjoying their day. 

Athena let me pet her. That never happens. I cannot say she liked it, but I felt accomplished.

Noma seems to be happy in the pen. She gets to eat all her food and she is getting to rest. She needed that. 

Jasper almost let Ronnie pet him. He might be getting over being mad at us for taking him to the vet. He did change his mind at the last second though. 

The sky was gorgeous tonight. The colors were pink and purple in the clouds. You don’t see that everyday.


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