Wednesday, May 1, 2024


It is the end of April and the grass is already dead. Not a good sign for the summer months coming up. It makes me nervous. I did watch the horses grazing on their hay this morning. Horses are so beautiful. They just help to calm you. 

I am desperately trying to catch the sheep doing one of their gymnastic moves. Of course, they never decide to literally kick up their heels while I am trying to take their picture. I will keep trying though. I will get it eventually. 

Mattie was trying to take Waldo’s food. Mattie could not get to the feed trough because of the fence. I find it funny that Mattie was wanting their food. 

I watched Willow trying to get some branches down. She did not succeed. I am sure she will eventually. 
Noma is still wanting to eat with Alex. I wish I knew what that was about. I have no idea. I would think she would be okay with eating with Mattie and Willow. It is apparent she does not want that. 

The goats, sheep, and chickens are all doing well. They have no new complaints. 

The pigs are all doing well also. They are having the time of their lives down in the pig pens. 

Mattie got upset with Jasper trying to take his foot and he was defending that food. Donkeys do kick to defend themselves and Jasper almost got himself kicked. Jasper finally decided to just go get a drink of water instead of trying to get the feed. 

Melody was sure making a mess of dust with her dust bath in the shop. 

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