Wednesday, May 15, 2024


The hens have found them a dirt area to have their own dirt spa. Those chickens bathe in the dirt. They love it. 

Ernestine is still not getting used to me. I would think she would be by now but that is not how it is going. My arm may be bruised for the rest of my life if she does not get used to me. 

Oden decided to go try to terrorize the hens in the shop. I had a bunch of eggs on the freezer. Oden scared Melody and she ended up jumping up on the freezer and knocked off a few of the eggs. Melody ate a few of the eggs and I handed Ernestine an egg shell. She thought about it before deciding to eat it. 

Yeller was staying by the crack in the doors to the shop. There was a small breeze going through there. He is one smart cat.

The pigs are all doing fine again today. No complaints from them. 

Jelly decided to climb up on the hay bale and hang out. He is such a good cat. 

It was a pretty night out. Most nights and mornings are pretty here in West Texas. 

Bubba for some reason likes to be in the room with dogs. He does know better than to be in that room with Bella and Daisy, but sometimes he either forgets or tests it out. 

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