Tuesday, May 14, 2024


The hummingbirds are starting to come around for the season. I saw one a few weeks ago and went ahead and filled up the hummingbird feeder. I am seeing more and more of them around since I filled that up. 

The morning was gorgeous. The sun rays were coming out beneath the clouds. It was such a pretty sight. I do like to start the morning like that. 

I saw Lola laying eggs in the crates in the shop. She was not happy to see me looking into the crate at her. She was even less pleased with me taking out the eggs from underneath her. 

It looks like Annabeth and Rena are doing well. They were both on top of the laying boxes. I wish I knew what they were doing. 

The pigs seemed to be doing well today. The temperatures were cooler and the rain was coming in. They like when the temperature is just right. I am the same way. 

I figured it was fixing to start raining because I looked over and saw the goats running at full speed and the donkeys coming right behind them. I knew it had to start soon. They were all eating in front of the barn waiting for the rain to start. 

The sheep were a little extra funny tonight. I even got the photos of one of them acting like a gymnast. I also got one of a sheep mid air. I am so proud of that. Those sheep were excited about the cooler air and of course their food. 

Jasper would not eat tonight. I get worried about that with him. I hope he is okay. It is unlike him for sure to not eat. I will have to keep a good eye on him. I even gave him extra and he would just stare at it. He would knock the chickens out of the way, but still would not eat. It made me more concerned that Jasper actually let me pet him. Maybe its the weather with the storms coming in.

The horses all lined up for their food. They were sure ready for it. It was a little late for feeding, but Ronnie and I both got home late. 

The chickens were all out and about. I am telling you, when the weather changes around here, things just go a little wild. The chickens sure are fun to watch though. 

Yeller found him a spot on top of the hay and decided to stay there. He was warm and dry. 

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