Monday, May 27, 2024


Ursula is such a sweet cat. I know she got here with a a wild circumstances, but she is definitely here for a reason. That cat is the best. I love her so much. 

We had some visitors over here tonight. I really do love to see how people connect with these animals. It brings me joy. I also love to hear that it is peaceful on the farm. I do pray for people to have peace when they come out here. The unfriendly goats even allowed these people to feed them with their hands. That does not happen often. It warmed my heart for the people and the animals. 

I did see something I had not expected to see. Mattie got jealous he was not getting attention and started kicking at the horses to get them away from the fence so him and Willow could get more attention. The horses went away just like Mattie wanted to happen. 

Ronnie even taught the youngest to drive the tractor. She felt so accomplished with driving the tractor. It was a good time. 

I have been checking up on the momma hen and her chicks. I think I have decided to name her Luna. She is being a good mom. I do like to see that. Some of the hens who have had chicks around here have not always been good, so I am happy to see Luna is good. 

The full moon is getting closer. It sure is pretty. 

I also got some pretty pics of the sky from the other side. The cats were all home tonight. 

Maggie is so blind and deaf these days. She got lost coming in the house and had to go over and see Onyx. 

I did notice Oden is still roosting in the tree. 

The donkeys came in at sunset. They do that and then go into the barn for the night. They sure are smart. 

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