Sunday, May 12, 2024


It rained today. Actually, it poured. I ran home when there was a break in the weather to find the horse pasture flooded, the back yard was flooded, and the rain was continuing. The horses were in the barn staying out of the water. It was quite the mess to see. 

The donkey pasture was even flooded and that never happens. 

Poor Lester, he was running around in the rain. I have no idea why. The rain finally started to die down and the animals all came out. 

I am appreciative of the rain. We need it badly around here. The animals know when the rain is coming and when the rain is stopping. 

The rain continued for a long time. I was able to get a few lighting shots which I do like to do. 

I thought the rain was stopping, so I let the dogs out to start feeding. Well, me and the dogs got stuck under the car port when it came another down pour and hail. The dogs kept looking at me like are we going to eat or not? It finally came another break in the storm and I was able to get the dogs fed quickly and back inside.

 I fed the others in the rain. Suzie Q was still in the coop this afternoon. She seemed to be doing well. 

The donkeys were way back in the field during the storm to stay out of the rain. The barn was flooded, but the goats were in there staying dry. 

Some of the animals ran out to eat and then ran right back into their shelters. The little goats even ate together. That’s different,  but I did not give them an option. 

Poor Yeller was soaked to the bone. He was not happy about it. 

 It did finally let up a little and the clouds were beautiful. 

Mattie and Willow are still the best of friends. When I see that, I ask myself what I was so worried about with Mattie out of pen. 

The cows were also soaked to the bone, but they like to stay out in the rain for some reason. 

The horses did finally get out of the barn to get their food. 

Those clouds were still rolling in. It was looking rough for a few hours. The pigs were all fine. A little flooded, but still had areas to stay dry in.They did not care about being wet as long as they got to eat. They surrounded me for their food. I sure do love those little guys. 

I also noticed my squash plants were growing. I could not believe my eyes. It was amazing to see how fast they were growing. 

Willow sure does like Ronnie. So does Mattie. 

The animals did continue to eat their hay while the next round of storms came through. 

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