Sunday, May 5, 2024


The horses made it through the storms last night. 

The cats were all hanging out under the car port this morning. I am glad to see them. 

When I got home, it was looking like it could possibly rain again. The animals were all standing close together. That is not a normal thing. The cows, the donkeys, the horses, and the chickens. 

Annabeth was being mean to Rena tonight which made no sense to me, but maybe they are having some kind of feud. Who knows?

The donkeys and goats were of course, living it up in the pasture. 

The pigs all made it through the storm and seem to be doing well today. I am glad to see the one pig pen is starting to get their mud hole going. 

It looks like all the animals are doing well today. 

The garden is starting to grow, but the chickens seem to be interested in the plants also, so we will see what happens with that. 

Mattie and Willow are still staying close to Noma. They miss her being out of the pen. She will be back with them as soon as she can be. She needs a few weeks of rest and relaxation. 

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