Wednesday, May 1, 2024


My friend comes over on Saturdays to help us with chores and what ever needs to be done. It is so nice to have help. While we were working outside, Bubba was watching us from the door. He looked so cute. I guess he was getting some fresh air. It was hot air, but he did not seem to mind. 

I went out into the pasture to get some buckets and noticed Saverine acting a little different. She is sticking to Takua like glue. I know she does that sometimes, but this looked different to me. Takua let me pet him which was nice.

Onyx was happy taking a nap under the table.

Spam sat up and watched us while we were headed to the pig pen. She looked a little prissy, but it was so cute.

Jasper has decided to not stay away from humans today. It was unexpected, but that is big progress.
It was a warm day. It was rather hot really. Alex knew exactly what to do and that was get under the fan in the shelter. That is exactly what he was doing. I could not blame him. 

Mattie and Willow just want love and attention at all times. That is all they want, but they can be demanding about it. Those two are stuck together like glue. 

Jasper surprised me again. He even came up to me. That is major progress.

The pig pens got cleaned out. The pigs get judgy and just want to watch what we are doing. It sure makes me laugh. 

In the other pig pen, Brutus was cooling off in the mud. Our mud looks a little awful to me and smells worse, but they love it. Darla ended up going in when Brutus got out of there. All the pigs are going fine today and the pens are cleaned. 

The sheep were actually were under the fan today, too. Keep in mind, it’s still just April. I sure hope the summer is not like last summer, but it is looking like it is going to be that again. 

The donkeys wanted to watch what my friend and I were planting. Ned was giving me the side eye for a minute. They all were very interested in what we were doing. 

We did get everything planted that we bought to plant. I hope this year we get some produce. 

The donkeys and goats were out in the pasture later. They love being able to graze in open spaces. 

It did look like the rain was going to start as Ronnie and I were feeding. The clouds were rolling in. 

Ronnie and I did try to get Noma in the pen today. It is time to get Willow off nursing. Norma was not going to cooperate, but we tried.. 

I put the sunshade back up in the female goat pen, but it looks like Cinderella is trying to tear it back down with her horns. I wonder how that will turn out. 

Yeller was laying out on porch this evening. He was as tired as the rest of us. We did get a lot of things accomplished though. 

It did end up storming later in the evening. There was lots of thunder and lightening. We needed more rain than we got, but it was better than nothing. 

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