Monday, May 13, 2024


I left a box in the floor knowing the cats would play in that box. They did not disappoint me. They played in that box for hours. I find that entertaining. 

Oh my sweet Bubba. I am taking a lot of pictures of him lately since I do not know when I will take my last one. I did the same thing with Persia. 

I came home late again tonight. That gets exhausting. I did check on the garden. It is growing and doing well. That is exciting. 

I do not understand why the chickens want to lay eggs in the middle of a cactus plant, but they do. It is hard to get the eggs out of there. I ended up with some cactus needles in my arms while getting the eggs out of there. I did get them though. 

Noma was looking like she wanted out of the pen tonight. I am going to leave her there a little while longer and then let her out. 

The goats and sheep ended up eating hay tonight. They seemed to be enjoying the hay. 

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