Monday, May 13, 2024


I saw a pretty cardinal outside my office door. I have been seeing a couple of them out there lately. They are a sign of someone visiting you. That is what I had always heard.  

I got home so late tonight after working all day. The horses were so beautiful out in the pasture eating on their hay. 

Poor Bubba is just not doing well. He has such a strong will to live, but he is losing his battle. He is still acting like he is okay,  but he is losing weight quickly.  

When I let the dogs out one last time, I noticed all the cats were home. That always helps me sleep better at night.  

Ursula loves her bed. I did not know how much she loved it, but she does.  She wants to lay on an old towel though.  She will move a soft clean blanket to lay on the towel. I do not get it,  but it makes her happy.

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