Saturday, May 4, 2024


It was another hot one. Mattie and Willow are still staying close to Noma’s pen. Noma seems to be happy in the pen at this point. She is relaxing. 

The chickens were all in the dirt to try to stay as cool as they could. They also decided to take their dirt baths under the tree to stay in the shade. 

Tinkerbelle was eating her hay while lying down. I wonder if the heat drained all of her energy and she just wanted to lay down and eat. 

I threw out some chicken feed to the chickens, I had to laugh when I saw Hercules sticking his nose and mouth under the barn door to get some of the feed. 

Saverine was doing much better today. I was able to spray her and Takua down with water to cool them off. She seemed like nothing happened the day before. 

I did notice Noma looked to maybe have an infection in one of her udders. I hope her udder is swollen only because Willow had stopped nursing when Noma went into the pen 24 hours ago.  

Yeller was hanging out in the cool grass with the dogs this evening. He is so stinking cute. 

Saverine was ready to eat tonight, so I think we are in the clear. 

Mattie and Willow will not leave the pen where Noma is. They want to stay there with her. 

Onyx was cute laying up on the table in front of the house. She was stretched out and relaxed. Jelly came home tonight, too. 

I got some love from the dogs tonight. Pepper somehow got herself stuck under the porch tonight. It was so bad, Ronnie had to tear off the steps to the deck to get her out. She was tired after the ordeal. 

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