Sunday, May 12, 2024


I worked late tonight, but I got to play with a few kittens at my last home health client’s house. Those kittens are so cute. I like to love on them. They are so tiny. 

Annabeth and Rena were doing fine in their coop. They may have learned a lesson and will not be digging out of the coop.

I made Ernestine extremely mad tonight. I went to get her eggs out of the crate and she puffed up so big and pecked me several times. 

Noma is still having a restful time in the pen. She is not complaining one bit. She is eating well. 

Willow was interested in what I was doing over by her mom’s pen. 

The chickens are still dangerously close to the garden. So far they are leaving the plants alone. 

I looked over at the hay bale and saw the three brown horses. They are just beautiful animals. The other two horses are beautiful also arguing over the mineral bucket. 

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