Thursday, May 2, 2024


Today is a hot day out. The hot days are coming too early this year. I hate that it is already hot outside. I stayed inside doing stuff that needed to be done. Ronnie and I did go out to feed. It was still hot. The first thing I did was get Noma in the pen. She seemed a little grateful about being in the pen and able to eat her own food and water. It was such chaos, I did not get a picture of her getting in the pen. Willow and Mattie went in with her and then Ronnie and I had to get Willow and Mattie out of there. It did happen. All is well. 

Mattie and Willow are definitely stuck together like glue. They will not leave each other’s side and they are not happy with Noma being in the pen. In fact, they are mad about it and want to stay close to Noma’s pen. 

The coop chickens do not know how lucky they are to be the coop. They may try to dig out, but they are in the coolest area of farm, as long as they stay out of the dog house. 

It is rare that you see a small group of hens with two roosters, but we do have that here on the farm. The roosters to fight on occasion, but for the most part, they do pretty well. 

The dogs were not happy about being outside in the heat. I was not too thrilled either, so I understand. 

The goats were fighting and carrying on like they normally do. That was a good thing to see. 

Snowflake is doing well out with the rest of the chickens. She does still come into the shop to lay her eggs. 

We had another incident with Saverine. I looked out and she had laid down and she was not moving. After a minute she lifted her head, but she did not look good. Ronnie and I went out and he put the lead rope on her. I was able to drench her in case she had colic again. She did walk around for an hour or so without a lead rope on. It was almost a year to the day when she had colic last time. Saverine was mad about all attention and refused to be lead around with the lead rope, Ronnie tried multiple times. We watched her closely for a few hours. She did get pain meds also since it was obvious she was in pain. She continued to get up and then go down and get up and go down. She was uncomfortable. I felt so bad for her. She was having bowel movements and passing gas, so if it was colic, it was a mild case. Saverine was moving around with the other horses between her being up and down. Takua and Spots wanted to stay close to her I hated to leave her alone, but before we went to bed, she was down and Takua was standing over her, protecting her. I was praying she would be okay. The last time Ronnie went out to give Saverine more meds, Jelly followed him all the way to her and all the way back. 

Willow and Mattie were literally scratching each other’s backs tonight. It was quite funny to watch. 

The cats were all hanging out in the pasture. It looked like Onyx was looking for ground squirrels or something. 

Jeb is so weird. For some reason, he likes to lick my hand. It is just weird. He sure is pretty though. 

Spots came over and let me pet her tonight. That does not happen too often, so I was excited about it. 

As Ronnie and I were working with Saverine, I looked over and saw a stray cat sitting in the area with the donkeys and cows. The cat just sat there and acted like it had been there many times. Once the cat figured  out we had seen him, he took off to another pasture. I  am now wondering if that cat is what happened to Chloe. I still hope she is sitting on eggs somewhere, but who knows. 

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