Wednesday, May 15, 2024


I was busy doing some computer work. Bubba decided he wanted my attention. Poor guy is really having a time. I know he is at the end of his life. He came over and put his paw on my hand and just kept it there while I worked. He is such a sweet cat.

I threw out some chicken feed and Hercules and a donkey were eating it on opposite sides of the barn. It was pretty funny to watch those two. 

The clouds were still rolling in. It was supposed to rain more this evening. We will see if it does or not. 

All the animals are doing well. The weather is not bothering them at all. 

The pigs were anxious for their food. They were beyond ready for it. Gus likes to try to climb the fence. Treat, Spam, and Gus are finally getting their mud hole going. It was definitely time for that. 

The pigs in the other pen were also ready for their food. They all lined up also. They do not do that as often as Gus and the others. 

It was such a pretty night. 

The donkeys and goats were enjoying their green grass. 

The chickens looked to be enjoying life tonight, too. 

The rain clouds were still coming in. The temperatures were not bad. 

All the cacti around in the pastures are showing off their pretty flowers. It is that time of year. 

I got to see all my cats tonight. That always makes me happy. 

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