Sunday, May 31, 2020

I know I’ve been talking about Darla lately quite a bit but I want to show progress. My mom came over this weekend and she brought treats to the animals. Thanks, Mom, they do love that. Anyway. I gave the lettuce out and decided to try to hand feed Darla. I had not tried that yet. I like to have them warm up so I don’t get bit. She ate out of my hand like a pro. It was so sweet. After she did it, now she checks my hand to see if I have food. She is such a good girl. I’m so glad I didn’t talk myself out of adopting her from a rescue here in Arkansas. She is absolutely precious.

Today is the first day Oreo has decided he liked me enough to sit in my spot on the couch. I thought when I came into the room to sit down that he would move. Nope. I moved him over and he just snuggled down more next to me. He has never done that. Then he decides that’s not hood enough and gets in my lap. That cat sat there for a good hour. I don’t normally sit that long but I tried for him. I picked him up and moved him onto a blanket and he has been there for a good couple hours. I get up and then come back and sit. It doesn’t seem to bother him. He finally realized he was home. It’s sweet.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Brutus is one jealous small pig. He is still the smallest but is catching up to Patsy, his sister. He was the runt of his litter when I rescued Patsy and Brutus. That was really something. Anyway. He and I bonded not long after his neuter and he waits for me and loves his belly rubs. He is an attention hog. No pun intended. It’s cute, or was cute. Today something amazing happened. You know I got Darla a few weeks back. Yes, I have been spending a lot of time with her as I always do when a new one comes to the farm. I want them to get to know me so they aren’t shy or skittish with me. I feel it’s important. Brutus hates it. Today I was in then pen doing chores and Darla walked right up to me. This in itself was a big accomplishment. I leaned down and made kissy noises to her and she gave me a piggy kiss. That is a huge accomplishment. I was so proud of her. What I didn’t expect was what happened next. Brutus was standing there, watching. Literally the second after she gave me the piggy kiss, he attacked her. I call that jealous. The entire herd in that pen still have not accepted her, but it is getting better. I think Brutus is the last hold out on that. With his attitude, I’m not sure when the acceptance of Darla will be. Good grief. At least I know they both love me.

Persia and Oreo still hate each other. Wait, let me back up, Persia still hates Oreo. I shouldn’t be surprised she still hates Daisy and Daisy has been here 2 years. Persia was the first pet in this crew and she does not like it at all when I bring another one in, especially in the house. She isn’t having it. Oreo doesn’t fight her on it too much and he is getting braver. When I say braver I mean he jumps off the landing from upstairs to the ground floor to attack her. Anyway. When he walks by, she does this horrible sounding hiss and screaming like thing and then he replies with some kind of noise and it goes back and forth until Oreo usually walks away. I’m hoping at some point Persia will start to accept him. We will see. Bubba will lay on the couch with Oreo, not close but he is getting closer. It’s something to watch for sure.
Went out to clean pig pens today. I do that a lot. Bowls need cleaned out, straw needs changed, water bowls need cleaned, poop needs picked up. Fresh water of course is a must daily. Pools need changed. The list goes on. It’s all necessary to take care of these animals. They deserve the best. Today as I was cleaning out pools, Mya decides to take Gus for a walk. She got the leash out and the halter and got it all on him and got him out of the pen. No big deal. Well, Mya has a few other things she wanted to do, so she handed me the leash. I just start following Gus. No big deal, right?? Wrong...
My mom was over and we were going toward the garden, Gus was apparently going to go, too. So, I was just following. We get halfway to the garden and I start thinking, he has never been that far away from the other pigs but I just kept going. About 10 seconds after I thought this, Gus throws a fit and starts running and almost barking toward Treat and Spam. He turned and ran so fast that I almost fell. He was too far away from the pigs he was bonded with and he had to get back to them. Once they were in his sight, he relaxed and did not want to go back in the pen. It took two of us to get him back in the pen. Then he threw a fit when he got back in there and wouldn’t let us get the halter and leash off of him. I finally got down to his level and whispered to him that he was okay and was just petting him to calm him so I could get it off of him, which I did. He is a spoiled one but they all are. At least he is loved and he knows it.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Yesterday during the hoopla of Carlos and Romeo, I was in the pen and did not chain the latch once I was in there because I was so focused on what needed to be done for Carlos. I was checking him out and I look back and Lucky, Hercules, and Cracker Jack we’re gone. I finished up with Carlos and Romeo while Mya got the peanuts to get them all back in the pen. Lucky and Hercules came back easily. Looks like Cracker Jack will be going Wayward also... he did not want to come back and he wasn’t having it when trying to get him back in. He did finally come back in with help from the halter and more peanuts. That is one stubborn donkey, but I sure do love him.

As I have been talking about with the donkey and the goats.. the goats getting out... the other morning I left to go to work. As I was backing out of the carport, I saw the goats eating off of the trees out of the fence line. I am already running late and now I have to get the goats back in the pen. As I walk a little further down the fence line, I realize they are actually standing on top of the fence and are still in the fence line. What in the world. They were happy to be eating off of the tree and I was happy they were still technically in the fence and I did not have to chase them down. I sure do love these guys. They drive me crazy and make me smile all at the same time. The Lord has blessed me with this farm.
Oreo had finally decided he belongs. He had been coming downstairs more and more. He has taken Bubba’s spot on the couch. Last night when Bubba discovered this fact there was a lot of hissing but then Bubba let Oreo have that spot and he stretched out in another one very near Oreo. Persia is acting like she doesn’t care much anymore about Oreo being there so hopefully this is working out. Oreo is now letting me pet him on the stairs and when he is in the living room. He seems finally at peace with his new living situation.
This morning I am in the bathroom getting ready. My cats are acting funny and staying by the window in the bedroom. I don’t think much of it. I just go about getting ready. Then, all of a sudden I hear knocking at my window. You guys, I live in the country... no one should be on my property. Of course my heart starts to pound and in my head I’m thinking, what in the world is happening. I go to the window and look. I seriously had to laugh at myself. It was a blue jay knocking on my window. Gave me a bit of a scare but it was literally a bird. Happy Friday!!

I get home from work yesterday, Mya helps me with the feeding and watering of the animals and then  helps with the garden. I have looked over all the pigs, checking to make sure all was good. I go over to check the goats and the donkey. Well, there is a story in here somewhere but I have no idea what it is since I was not there to witness it. Carlos has spots on his head, bloody spots. I’m so confused. I laugh to myself but was like he is growing horns?? Seriously, that is what it looked like. The spots are very sensitive and when I tried to look at them, he would not let me. He would back away quickly. They were still bleeding when I was looking at them. Fast forward a bit and I see Romeo has blood on his horns and and his face. What happened here?? I’m so curious as to what’s happened. I did spray some antiseptic spray on Carlos and have checked on him several times and he seems okay. Look at these pics. What do you think happened??

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

I am sure I have posted somewhere about our garden in the hay bales. We didn’t plant everything in hay bales but most of it we did. I had no idea what I was doing. I think that is something I am good at, learning as I go and just winging it. As good as I am at that, I hate it. I’m a planner and I think I need plans to be able to do things. Well, the garden has done so well in the hay bales. I think it’s because the weeds are not growing up in the hay bale. There are however mushrooms galore which have to be taken out of the hay bale almost daily. That is so weird. A while back, we had to replant some stuff because it had died. Ronnie had me come over to the garden and look at one of the hay bales. I thought I had planted some beans in that hay bale... nope, it’s zucchini. We have radishes growing, orca, squash, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, pumpkins, etc. I’m really proud of it. Mya, Ronnie, and I have worked hard on it. I think we will need a bigger garden next year.

Oreo finally relaxed tonight!! He has been so terrified to come downstairs and just relax because the other cats were still mean to him. I came out to the living room and he was laying down on the back of the couch without another cat hissing at him. Persia was laying on the other end of the couch and acted like she was just over it.  Oreo relaxed even when I went over to pet him. He normally runs away but tonight he didn’t. He is finally becoming part of the family. It has taken longer than I thought, but this cat has been through a lot in the last several months. Yay!! I feel like there has been an accomplishment happening. Oh the joys of rescuing animals. It is tough on everyone but here is another win!! It really does my heart some good.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Poor Daisy. Ronnie went back to work today and she is depressed. He is her human. She goes everywhere with him when he is home. Daisy loves him so much. This morning when he left she stood on her hind feet crying as he left. This evening when I got home, Daisy ran outside and went looking for his truck. She has been on the front porch waiting for him to come back. I have tried to tell her he will be back in a few days. Now she just wants to come in and check the house herself. Poor girl. He would take her with him but then Bella would be upset. They are buddies, too. They sleep in the same crate even though they do not have to. They run all over the place together. Daisy will be okay tomorrow. It’s just the first day that is really rough on her.

Monday, May 25, 2020

This new cat, Oreo is such a mess. He is a feisty little mess. He has been through a lot in the last few months so it’s taking him a long time to warm up except to Mya since it is her cat. He loves her. As far as me and ronnie go, he runs for the most part. He is finally coming downstairs to see what’s happening. He finally wanted some attention from me today. He is still not friendly with Persia but him and Bubba are starting to be friends. It’s just a slow process. This cat is like an acrobat. Or maybe an acrocat. I find him in the weirdest spots like up on top of the stair railing. It’s so funny but scares me to death sometimes. He definitely hit the jackpot here and he doesn’t even know it.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

I had a friend out today for a bit to see the animals. She had heard stories about them all but had not met them. This girl has the biggest heart I have ever seen. She cares deeply about people. I have seen that firsthand. I saw something absolutely amazing today. Most of the time when people come over, the animals have to warm up to a person before they fully engage with them. Not this girl, they went in full force. The goats loved her so much they had her on the ground trying to love on her. The donkey was even friendly. The pigs even let her close to them. Once again, I see the effect people can have on animals and animals on people. These animals just take all of the stress you have away, even for a minute. They love people and they really loved Abbie. It’s a blessing for me to see. This was an experience in itself. They just knew she had a kind heart and wanted to be all over her!! Thank you, Abbie for coming by!!

I have to brag on my husband a minute. He isn’t home much and when he is, the poor guy always has to work on something here on this farm. He built a new shelter for the pigs the last time he was home. I was so appreciative and still am. We had so much rain when he was gone, the house had a puddle of water in it. The house wasn’t leaking, the placement of the house was where the water sat. So, when he got home this time, he put in a nice floor in it so the pigs would be off the ground. It worked really well. It came a down pour the night he built it and there was no water. All of the straw was dry so I knew the pigs had been also. We were out of straw also so he went and got me straw. I cleaned out all of the old straw in all of the shelters and replaced it with new. Those pigs were so happy. Warms my heart knowing how tired he is but does it anyway. He even said he would build Darla her own pen if the others didn’t stop bullying her. It’s just normal stuff all pigs do but he doesn’t want her picked on. She is too sweet for that.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Let’s talk about Darla. This pig is such a sweet girl. I got her from a rescue here in Arkansas. Thank goodness for them. This sweet pig came to the rescue from a breeder that wouldn’t get enough money for the babies she was carrying because they were not full blooded breed. She is about a year old and has already had a litter of piglets. Bless her heart. The rescue was amazing with her and her babies. The babies were all adopted and she was spayed so she wouldn’t have to go through that again. When I saw the first pictures of her, I just could not stop thinking about this poor baby. I had gotten to know the lady who had the rescue just through messages about rescuing pigs. We talked about me taking Darla. I just wasn’t sure since I had 8 already, but eventually I caved. She had just had surgery a week before I got her. She looked to be a little depressed and a little skinny, from nursing and depression. She was terrified when she got here. Her incision has healed and is looking good. I had no idea what her disposition would be when she got here. I had been told she was super sweet and that’s what she looked like. That wasn’t wrong. She is warming up to me in the two weeks I have had her. Pigs don’t let you give them belly rubs unless they trust you because that is a vulnerable place for them. I have been able to give belly rubs daily for about a week now. She shows me her Mohawk when I pet her and I got a piggy kiss today. I’m so thrilled with her progress here. Now, if I could just get the other pigs to love her. Out of 5 other pigs in that pen, there are still two that have not fully excepted her, but I know they will. She is also putting on some weight and she is looking really good. I’m thankful the adoption of Darla went so well and I’m grateful to the rescue that had her for everything they have done for this to happen. They were patient with me to hold her until I finished school and they brought her to me. It was meant for her to come here. I needed her and she needed me.

Russ is mad at me again. I have no idea why. He just gets so moody sometimes. Since I brought Darla home, he is getting better around me again. He is more friendly with me. He is letting me pet him, slowly. I’m not sure if he is afraid to get attached or what. Poor guy. He will warm up and then the next thing I know he is mad again and won’t let me near him. He still refuses to sleep in one of the shelters with the other pigs, he sleeps in the dog house, alone. He gets along with the other pigs and is top hog so I’m not sure what is going on with him. I won’t give up on him, I’m still working on it. I do have to remind myself it’s only been a few months. We have had set backs with surgery and then an infection, etc. I’m determined to get him to warm up. I know I have to be patient. I’ve had Patsy almost a year and she is just now warming up. 

The goats haven’t gotten out again. That’s a win in my book. I know now they love to be out. Today been rain storms, I decided to let them out again. They are just so cute. They ran out of there and of course started eating everything in sight which is why I let them out in the first place. They were out a couple of hours. Hercules decided to try to eat my apple tree, Carlos was climbing on the trailers, and they all rounded the corner and got close to the garden. Mya ran out behind them and I see a stampede of the herd running away from that side of the house. It really is so comical to watch them. They are all they could before they went back in the pen. When they got back in the pen, they all looked like they were going to take a nap. I really do love to watch them.