Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February 28

It’s the last day of February and this year is flying by. The ending of February has come with some pain and a broken heart. I’m working at getting better, but this farm will never be the same. I know that. I have to figure out how to continue on knowing that this will happen again with another animal at some point. I have two more old guys around here who are not doing well and it takes a toll. I know I’m doing this for a reason, so it will work out. I will move past this. I know that. 

I was able to help out a friend dealing with a rough time today. She had to go out of town suddenly, so I was able to go feed her animals for her for the next few days. I know her animals and they seemed to remember me. 

When I got home Ronnie said he was glad I was home. There was some chaos going on. Leroy and Fred were fighting horribly before I got home. I’m hoping Fred will be okay. 

Ronnie said while that was going on, the little goats broke out again and Mattie was chasing them like crazy. Luckily they ran back into the pen and Mattie left them alone. 

The horses got a new bale of hay and a new mineral block. It was nice to see all 5 of them together. Chief got tired of it and started acting a fool after a while, but it is what it is. 

Noma let me love on her. Not for long, but she did. She is looking very pregnant at this point. Poor girl, I’m glad to know this is her last one. 

I’m a paranoid mess right now thinking something is wrong with every animal. I know that’s not actually the case, but I’m finding things wrong that probably are not wrong. It stinks. 
I did think something was wrong with Jasper tonight, but Ronnie got him in a pen and checked him out. He said everything was fine. I’m glad. 

The sky was beautiful tonight and I needed to see that. It calmed me down a bit. I’m just a mess, but I know it will get better. I have to work through it. 

Word of the day is moving forward. Luke 9:62

Monday, February 27, 2023

February 27

Today has been a long, hard day. Ronnie had to leave early. I went outside to let the dogs in and Mattie was acting funny. He was standing over by the pen where Cracker Jack was and he would not leave. I had a bad feeling already, but I think I knew at that point he had passed away. I went out and checked and sure enough, he had passed away. I was beside myself. I texted Ronnie and let him know. He said he would handle it. I knew he would. I have a fantastic husband. I have thought about Cracker Jack all day and have cried on and off all day. 

One thing I kept thinking about was yesterday. Ronnie and I both thought he was doing better, but having seen this so often, animals and people usually do better not long before they pass. I felt things were off, but he seemed to be doing better. He was doing things he used to do. I think he was actually telling me goodbye. I just did not do realize it at the time. It has been such a hard day. 

The other animals are all acting different today. They know something happened. They were not there normal selves. 
The goats and sheep were actually laying down eating. 

The roosters were fighting. 

Yeller was on top of the barn. 

Daisy stole an egg and ate it. 

One of the chickens was in the crate trying to lay an egg while the cats were right outside the crate eating. 

The donkeys were eating dirt. 

The pigs were eating dirt. 

The dogs are barking nonstop. 

None of this is normal. None of it. It’s crazy. 
I did notice Ronnie had buried Cracker Jack in a nice spot and the other animals were paying their respects. 

I’m so sad tonight. I know it will pass but Cracker Jack was one in a million and was loved so much. This hurts. I’m not sure I’m cut out for this. 

Word of the day is sadness. Matthew 5:4

Tribute to Cracker Jack

Cracker Jack passed away this morning. He had not been doing well and he went to see the vet last week. He stayed there a couple days and he started showing signs he was getting better, but his body was just too sick. He will be missed so much. He was loved so much. 
Cracker Jack came to live with us four years ago. He was a lonely and depressed miniature donkey who needed a new home after his companion had past away. His owners loved him and wanted the best for him, so he came to live with us. We got him some friends and life went on.
What we did not realize at the time was Cracker Jack paved the way to start Mattie’s Mountain. He was our first farm animal. Cracker Jack was one in a million donkey and he was loved from day one. 
Cracker Jack was a favorite animal here on the farm since he had such a winning personality. He would bray for more treats. He would bray for more food. He would bray for more attention. He would bray because he saw you. He would try to knock you over when he wanted more attention. When he was mad at you, he would turn his behind to you to let you know he was mad and it needed to be fixed. 
Cracker Jack taught people several things with his time on the farm. He loved everyone no matter what. He was good to each person who met him. He did not stay mad long. He was stubborn, but smart. He knew what he wanted and he went for it. He lived a good long life and he was happy. 
That sweet donkey will never be forgotten and even though we are sad with broken hearts, he was and is loved. It’s been a hard day with losing Cracker Jack today. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 26

This month is flying by. We have almost made it to March already. The weather here in West Texas seems to think it is March already. The wind has been extra bad today at 35 mph. That’s awful. The temperature got up in the 80s. We also had a short rain storm tonight with pea size hail. There was a weather advisory tonight about the dust storm. It has been that bad. 

Ronnie got the fencing up for the new pig pen for Gus, Treat, and Spam. I’m excited about that. He still has to make some improvements so they cannot dig out and we need a gate. It should be ready for them after that. I hope they like it better over there. I think they will. That was how it was before we moved. Those three together and the rest were in a different spot. I think there will be less fighting and less stress on them. I’m ready for it. 

Cracker Jack was actually holding his ears up today more, so that’s a good sign. He tried to run me over, too, which is his cue that he wants more attention. That’s a great sign. He did urinate more and he had another small bowel movement, so those are all good things. He is eating, but he still is not eating like we would like him to. At least we are having some progress. That’s important. 

The chickens are trying to hide eggs again. I found ten in various areas I do not normally look, but at least I found them. They are sneaky little birds. 

This afternoon everyone came out to eat and then stayed out in the wind except Porky and Leroy. They were the smart ones. 
This evening after dark was when the wind got really bad and when looking outside, everyone was in their shelters. That’s good. 

The only ones who are not that smart are my fence chickens. Most of them found another place to roost but a few were working hard at staying on the roost since the wind is so bad. I wish them luck. 

Word of the day is storms. Isaiah 25:4-5

Saturday, February 25, 2023

February 25

It’s a cold, cloudy, and rainy day. Not a pretty day today, but it was a day. 
Most of the animals were staying warm in their shelters with no complaints. They were staying warm and dry. All of them were doing fine. 
Cracker Jack is breaking my heart. He looks miserable. I know he is sick and this is going to take time to get better. He did eat a little bit, but not much. He did urinate and he was able to poop a little. This is all good news. I need him to eat more though. He just looks so miserable and it hurts my heart. I’m hoping ever day will get better. We just have to believe it will and pray Cracker Jack starts eating more. 

Word of the day is prayer. Mark 11:24

Friday, February 24, 2023

February 24

The last couple of days have been a little tougher than normal. I hated Cracker Jack having to stay at the vet and I know he did, too. I knew it was necessary though. It got cold again last night to top it all off and has stayed in the thirties today. Yuck. 

This morning the horses looked like they had things worked out, so that was a huge relief. I’m glad they are back to normal.

Ronnie called me at three thirty in the afternoon saying he was going to go pick up Cracker Jack. The blood work showed he was protein deficient. I’m embarrassed to say the feed he was eating was making him that way. It was all he would eat, but I did not do the research I should have, so I feel like it was my fault. I feel terrible about it. But, I have to move on from that and work toward him getting better. I ran to the store to get what he needed while Ronnie went to get him. Ronnie said he jumped right into the trailer. It sounded like Cracker Jack was ready to be home. When I got home, I mucked out the pen where Jeb was for Cracker Jack and added some pine shavings in there for him to be comfortable. He unloaded good and walked on the lead rope fine to get to the pen. He is unsure about being in there by himself. Ronnie mixed up the feed he needed and gave it to him. He still is not eating, but we are going to work on it. He was given a mineral block and he started licking on that right away, so hopefully he will get back to normal soon. We are not out of the woods yet, but it’s a step in the right direction. I am glad he is home and he seems to be glad also. 

Jeb is on antibiotics also after his surgery and laceration to his lip. He would not come eat when the rest of the horses did, so I had to hold the bucket for him to eat to make sure he got his antibiotics. 

All the other animals are doing fine. I was relieved today knowing Cracker Jack was coming home. We will just have to make sure he is getting everything he needs. 

Word of the day is relief. Acts 20:35

Thursday, February 23, 2023

February 23

Today has been quite the day. Jeb was going in for surgery and Cracker Jack was going to the vet also. It was cooler outside this morning. I do not usually do much outside in the morning, but today I knew Ronnie was going to need some help. While he hitched up the trailer, I fed the animals. Once he got the trailer hitched and drove down to where Jeb was in a pen, we got to work. Jeb made it over to the trailer fine. Ronnie tied up the lead rope and we took turns trying to get him in the trailer. He was not going to go. After an hour, Ronnie told me to go get ready for work and he would wait for Jeb to load. Apparently we were in Jeb’s way because once we both moved, Jeb got right in the trailer. 

I had gone in and switched Cracker Jack and the sheep. The sheep were in the small part and Cra med was in the larger part so it would be easier to get him out to load him. I went in to get ready to go to work. Ronnie came in and said he could not get Cracker Jack to load. I’m not surprised. Cracker Jack is in his twenties and been in a trailer two times in his life, this would make the third. It looked like it was too tall for him to get in and that was the problem, so we picked him up and put him in the trailer. 

Now, while all of that was going on, the cows wanted to be up in the middle of things. Mattie wanted to be up in the middle of things. Onyx and Athena were in the middle of things. I’m surprised Onyx did not end up going to the vet also. She would not stay out of the trailer and once the trailer was loaded, that cat was on top of the trailer. 

The little goats happen to almost break out of their pen while we were working with Jeb. I’m telling you, everyone wants the attention on them. 

I went to work. Ronnie called me later and said Jeb was ready to go already. It looks like both testicles had dropped so it was an easy castration. That was awesome. Now, here is the other part. The vet said it looked like one of his teeth had been busted out and he had a laceration on his lip, so the vet took care of that and thank goodness it was a baby tooth. We have a strange suspicion Mattie is somehow involved in the missing tooth after trying to break Jeb out while he was in the pen. 

The vet was not sure about Cracker Jack yet. He had to stay overnight at the vet. My heart breaks for him. Ronnie said when he went to pick up Jeb, Cracker Jack was yelling at him like he didn’t want to be forgotten. I’m sure he hates it and he is there alone which is worse, but Cracker Jack is very sick so the vet needs to figure out what is wrong. The only thing I know at the moment is he still cannot urinate. He does have worms, which we had already started the treatment on and the vet did get him to have a bowel movement. That is good news. Hopefully she can figure out the rest and all will be good. 

Jeb is back in the pasture with the other horses but reintroductions are not fun. Of course they were all picking on him. He is sore and tired so he was not having any fun. They will be back to normal in a day or two. 

The sheep are acting a little out of sorts without Cracker Jack but I do hope he comes home tomorrow. 

I was so focused on Jeb and Cracker Jack today, I do not have any stories on anyone else. 
Maggie is not doing much better and she was really struggling with walking this evening. I do not want to have to make a decision on her, but I might have to. 

Oh, I did send the vet a note about the cats and the worms, so we got some prescription stuff for all the cats. Hopefully that will work and they will feel better also. There is never a dull moment here. 

Word of the day is healing. Jeremiah 33:6

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 22

Today was better. Except the wind and sand storms. Those were not better. I think I still have dirt in my ears even after a shower. Yuck. 

Cracker Jack is not any better. He is still not eating and honestly, I have not seen him have a bowel movement or urination. I could be wrong, but I’m afraid things are not good. I hope I’m wrong. He’s over twenty years old though, so I’m just not sure what is going on. He will be going to the vet tomorrow. I’m grateful he is going. 

Ronnie set up some stuff for Jeb tonight also. He will also be going to the vet. He has a condition where he has to have surgery to be fixed because one of his testicles did not descend. I’m praying for both of them. I am concerned about Cracker Jack for sure. 

The wind did knock over the cows’ and donkey’s hay bale, but it did not slow them down at all. They were eating just fine. 

I got close to Noma again tonight which always makes me happy. She still does not like it, but that’s okay. 

Bacon Bit gave me kisses again. That makes me unbelievably happy. She is starting to get back to the way she was before we moved. It’s only taken two years. The move was traumatic for her, but she is better. 

I even got to pet Wheezy!! It’s been awhile. 

I made sure to spend time with Cracker Jack tonight. He was loving toward me. 

Tonight you could see the moon, Jupiter, and Venus, so I made sure to get a picture. 

Things do look up after a rough few days. We just have to believe things will look up. Please keep Cracker Jack and Jeb in your prayers. Tomorrow will be rough for me and for them. 

Word of the day is better days. Matthew 12:40