Thursday, February 16, 2023

February 16

It did, in fact, get cold again. The high here today was in the forties. I hate it for the animals. They are susceptible to getting sick just like we are when the weather changes so much, so I have to watch closely. 

Sonny was all over the place today. It’s a good thing I love that rooster. He looked like he was going to pick on my shop hens, but he changed his mind with me standing there. 

I put Cracker Jack in the enclosed space to eat tonight and he did eat better. He still did not eat like he normally does, but at least he ate. Maybe he is getting sick. I just do not have a clue. I am keeping a good eye on him though. With him being in his twenties, there is no telling. 

Mattie has now ruined a good gate where Jeb is until he gets fixed. Mattie is standing up on his hind legs and putting his front legs up on the gate and trying to get it opened. The gate needs to hold up until next week. He is being such a brat right now. I’m sure it’s because he is coming of age but this is a lot just this week with him. I hope he gets surgery next week, too.

Everyone is good. Yeller found him a warm spot and was staying put. I cannot say I blame him. 

The one thing in life you can bet on is change. There is always a change. This week it’s the weather. Malachi 3:6

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