Friday, February 17, 2023

February 17

This week has been a trying one. One thing after another, so I am happy to report, there was nothing new today. 
Cracker Jack is starting to act like his old self. He did eat more tonight. He also was braying and trying to knock me over, so that’s a good sign. 

Ted’s tail is still doing well. There are no signs of infection, so as long as it stays that way, he will be fine. 

I was able to pet Cinderella without her fainting on me. I would say that is progress. 

Spam has been coming up to me more and more. She let me give her belly rubs today. If you do not know her story, she was always the protector to her sister and refused to let me get near her for about a year and a half. She had still been distant but lately, every time I go into the pen, she wants attention. 

Jeb is still in the pen. Mattie is still trying to break him out. He just had to stay a while longer and then he can get out. He has his appointment next week. 

Noma is looking rounder and rounder. Mattie will have to be in the other pasture before she gives birth and thankfully this will be her last baby. 

Jelly came home again tonight. It is nice that he is coming home every night and I do not have to wonder about him. 

Sonny has decided since he does not have any friends, he will roost alone every night up in the rafters of the shop. Nothing is going to get him up there. 

Pete let me give him some attention tonight. That does not happen often so I soak it up when he does. He is so sweet these days. 

Athena was out in the pasture and had to go up in a tree so Pete could not get to her. She is a silly cat. She should know better by now. 

The sunset was beautiful again tonight. I do like to see the West Texas sunsets. 

Ronnie went out to fix some stuff in the pig pen tonight. Darla gave him attention and Russ almost did. For Russ that’s progress also. 

Ursula is as cuddly as ever. She let me sleep all night, so that’s progress. 

Maggie is not doing any better. I know what is coming and I hate the thought. She is falling down more and having difficulty with both her back legs. We are doing all we can for her. 

Word of the day is progress. 1 Corinthians 15:58

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