Tuesday, February 7, 2023

February 7

Yesterday was a warm day. I was about 82 degrees. Today, the high was 59. I’m not sure it made it to 59. It was misting out and cold. The wind was unreal. The wind could knock someone over. It was not fun. 

 When I went out to go to work, I noticed the horses did not have any hay, so I threw them some. Even if it was extra, they probably needed it to stay in the cold. 

The donkeys made an appearance to say hello this morning which made me happy. It gives me peace to lay eyes on them sometimes. 

When I got off work, I put on my coat and my hat and started feeding and watering. It did not take me as long since most of the animals still had water. The animals wanted to eat and get back into their shelters. I did not blame them, that is what I wanted also. It was cold. I got it done as fast as I could. 

Maggie did not eat tonight and Daisy was waiting on her food. I had Daisy go in the house so Maggie could have some peace, but Maggie still did not eat. 

I found a chicken in one of the crates trying to get some peace also. I didn’t even bother her when I tilted the crate back. She did not move. 

I went ahead and gave the horses more hay this evening also. They were waiting by it. That is funny to me. They know how they get what they want. 

Jelly is so funny. He will sit up and watch the other cats like he is the big brother. I can almost feel him rolling his eyes at the youngsters. They have so much energy and Jelly is over it. 

Chief does this thing with his food bowl. He will play with it around feeding time to the point I cannot reach it anymore. Tonight he moved it back for me so I could reach it. 

It was definitely a cold evening out with the animals. It was peaceful though. 

Word of the day is peace. Romans 12:18

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