Thursday, February 9, 2023

February 9

You know those days when you wake up and you are so frustrated already that it puts you in a bad mood? I know I’m not the only one who has those. 

Ursula woke me up at 3:30 am by knocking off my water bottle on the dresser. She then wanted to jump on me and jump on and off the bed. She does this about every morning. She sleeps all day and then is up most of the night. I get it. I cannot be upset with her. She is too sweet for that. 

It’s chilly outside this morning. I could see the breath coming out of the horses noses as they were eating their hay. It was a pretty sight but it was cold. 

I got home and it had warmed up. I saw Sonny trying to hang out with Rojo and his hens, but that was a no go. It was like he was trying to join their crew but Rojo was not having it. 

It’s pretty obvious the sheep are shedding now. I’m sure they will feel better once all that wool is off them. It’s on every piece of fence in their pen because they are trying to scratch it off. 

While I was out feeding, Chief and Jeb always follow me down to the feed trough for the other three. Normally then they follow me back to where their feed bowls are. Tonight, the donkeys were close to the fence and started making all kinds of noises and it scared the other three away from the feed trough. Chief decided he was not leaving. I tried to get him to follow me and he was not having it. Him and Takua get along fine so they just started eating. 

The mares do not like Chief so much, so they stayed back. I ended up feeding them with the bucket. They seemed fine since they got food. They then did get some out of the trough, so I know they ate. Jeb got to eat all he wanted tonight so that’s good also. 

I watched Pedro and Pete waking together tonight. They are not that close, but as I watched them, they are such pretty donkeys. They would be cute in front of a wagon of something just for kids and for fun. I am not going to do that to them, but it’s a cute thought. 

I swear the donkeys were trying to get into the pig pen tonight to eat their food. It was funny. They could not get in so they walked away. 

The cats were in the back of Ronnie’s truck tonight. I had to laugh at that. They wanted to go for a ride to warmer places, or they wanted whatever was in Ronnie’s lunchbox. We may never know. 

Cracker Jack was in a mood tonight and he let me know it by turning his back to me. I think he needs a break from the sheep. I just hate to put him in a pen on his own. The cows are too rough for him and so is Mattie and I do not want him injured again. 

Looks like Chief finally got the horses in line. They do seem to be getting along better since he has decided he is in fact the Chief. We will see how long that lasts. 

It was an absolutely beautiful evening. There is a cold front coming through and the clouds were beautiful.

I did notice a cut on Spam’s ear tonight. Either the weather has dried her skin so much that it is cracking or someone was mean to her. 

As I let the dogs out for the last time at night, the weather was so much colder. Athena was chasing Bella and Daisy. It was funny to see. 

The wind is blowing so hard, one of the chickens who roost on the fence, Melody, got knocked off the roost by the wind. That was something I did not think I would see. 

Ursula has learned to use her claws and let’s just say, they hurt.

Sebastian is here and he is sick. He is not feeling well at all and has been so fussy. I feel so bad for him. I am hoping he starts feeling better tomorrow. 

Some days are just frustrating, but tomorrow will be better. 

Word of the day is frustrating. Psalm 4:4-5

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