Monday, February 13, 2023

February 13

Today we had another incident. I am telling you, the hits keep coming. It’s no fun. 
I came home today and looked out the window as I was fixing to go outside. I do not normally look out the window, but I am glad I did so I could leave the dogs in the house and not creat more drama than was already going on out there. 
What I saw was not something I ever wish to see again. I actually had to look a couple of times to see if I was actually seeing what I thought I was seeing…I was. Ted, one of our sheep, was running with Mattie on his heels and Mattie had Ted’s tail in his mouth. 
I finally get outside and see Mattie is still chasing the sheep. I start looking around and notice several things at once. Noma is in the pen and the sheep are out, how did that happen? One sheep looks to have blood all along his side but no open wounds I could see from several feet away. The sheep got separated were crying out, so were they hurt? Cracker Jack looks unsettled and Noma does, too. 
I finally see Mattie has been able to open the gate with his teeth and he let the sheep out and Noma in. I had to wait on reinforcements to get Noma out of the pen. The big blood spot I thought I saw was actually paint from the sheep running in between buildings. I got both sheep back in the pen and thought I could relax. 
Nope, no relaxing. The adrenaline spiked as soon as I saw the blood coming from Ted. Mattie had bit off the end of his tail, literally. There was a lot of blood and he looked a little distressed. I called Ronnie and I called my friend Heather. Ronnie told me to get to tractor supply and get some blood spot and some wound coat. Heather said she would be here as soon as she could. 
I was worried about leaving. I found some vet wrap and attempted to wrap the tail until I could get back with the blood stop. There was too much blood and it would not stick. I was panicking if I am being honest. I ran back in, grabbed my keys and went to tractor supply which is a good 15-20 minutes away in traffic. I go in, grab what I need, explain to the lady I’m in an emergency situation, pay for my stuff and literally run out the door. I get home and it’s only been 30 minutes. I was praying there were no cops. 
When I get home, I run back out to where the sheep are. Everyone seems to have calmed down. I mean even the horses were upset. The farm was in an up roar, but they had calmed down. Ted looked like he was hurting. He was still bleeding but not as bad. I poured that blood spot on him. It did work. I decided I would let them relax a little more, so I fed the cats and the chickens. 
About that time Ronnie shows up and Heather right behind him. Heather jumps right in and adds more blood stop and then checks it over more and she put the blue kote on it to help an infection to not start. After that we relaxed with the shee for a bit and got Noma out of the pen. 
After that I was exhausted but Heather helped me feed the rest of the animals and Ronnie watered since by now it’s pitch black. I honestly know I panicked but I could not tell how bad it was with all the blood. I’m grateful they both were able to help me so quickly. 
I’m not really sure what else happened today because I was so focused on that. I think Ted will be fine. In reality, it could have been much worse. Mattie will hopefully get fixed next week and then he will be in the pasture with the big boys. 
Word of the day is defeated because that is exactly how I felt today. Jeremiah 37:10 

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