Thursday, February 2, 2023

February 2

     Today was not as cold as I had been. I went to work today. I’m glad the weather was not worse. I hate when the weather is bad for the animals. 

     The one thing Ronnie and I struggle with is water when everything is frozen. We have been carrying buckets to the pigs since the last time everything froze and the spicket broke off from the water well. We had to do that for everyone the last few days. It’s exhausting. Everything thawed today and we were able to use the hose. I was grateful for that. 

     The animals were all happy about the weather change and were more active today. That’s a good thing. 

     Simone the chicken was playing with Onyx and chased her around for a while. 

      Carlos got into a cactus. I tried for a long time to get the needles out of him, but every time I almost had them, he would move and I would get poked. He finally took off so I would leave him alone and I did not get the cactus off him. 

     The one thing that stood out to me today was Porky. Out of the little goats, he is the hold out on wanting attention. He walked right up to the fence and let me pet him. We have had him almost two years and that was a first for that to happen. 

     Things in life may not look like they are working out sometimes, but they are. Be patient. 

     Word of the day is loving animals. Proverbs 12:10
     Went to check on the animals a little while ago and Tinkerbelle is out there bleating away, about what, I have no idea. 
     I was able to pet Sonny while I was out there. He is a man now, so not too impressed with my petting on him. 

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