Friday, February 10, 2023

February 10

Today has been full of surprises. I got up and went to work like always. I had some plans for this afternoon, so I needed to leave early. 
I had a group coming out to the house this afternoon. I was not sure how many, but once everyone got here, there were probably 100 people here, adults and kids. I have not been able to talk in front of people before because I get too nervous, but today, I did it. I did not get too nervous and I did not cry, which I normally do. I was so proud of that. 

The weather was cooler today, high was in the forties and we will not even talk about the wind. It was horrible. They were all troopers with the weather. I was able to give them some information on the animals and what we do here. 

The donkeys loved the people and so did the horses. I was proud of how they did. I actually did not see much of the reactions of the goats and sheep, but I know they always do well. 

The cows were not happy about all the people. The animals get wild when the weather is cooler and they ended up acting a fool. Ronnie had to come out and get them in a pen. They made me nervous. Once they were in the pen, they calmed down and were fine. 

I do wish more people could see the cows one on one. They are just big puppies. They really are. 

Overall, things turned out well. I am so glad we had people here and they were able to see the animals. Most of the animals enjoyed it. 
Once everyone was gone, we had a problem. I saw the donkeys over by the pig pen and they had their ears up and would not leave. I knew something was wrong. Once I go halfway over there, I heard Russ screaming in a painful manner. Once I got over there, I realized he was stuck in the fence by his mouth. At first glance, I thought somehow the fence had gone through his mouth, but it had not gone through. He was bleeding and clearly in distress. I tried to figure out how to get the fence off, but he was stuck in there good. Luckily, Laura and Ronnie were both still here. Ronnie ran off to get bolt cutters and Laura and I tried to keep him calm. Well, Ronnie came back with a grinder since the bolt cutters were broken. That did not work. The vibration of the grinder on the fence put Russ into a panic. Ronnie ended up having to grab pruning shears and had to make them work, which he did make work. Ronnie cut the fence and Russ walked away. It was not a pleasant experience. 

Once Russ walked away, Laura and I rigged up some fencing so the other pigs could not get to him. He got down in the straw and just laid there. When we went to check on him later, Darla really wanted in there with him, so we let her in. 

When I went back again later, somehow the other pigs had gone in the shelter that was fenced off and Darla had gotten out. Once I brought the food in, Russ ran out also. He ate good. I was able to remove the fencing. They did not seem like they were going to mess with Russ so hopefully they will be okay. 

I was a cold but beautiful day and evening. I am thankful so many people could experience what we have going on out here.

Word of the day is thankful. Psalm 106:1 

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