Tuesday, February 21, 2023

February 21

I am feeling like a failure today. I know I shouldn’t feel that way, but some days are hard. I do not know what is going on with me, but today has not been a good day. It could be me. 
The weather has been warm. It was 84 degrees and the wind was not as bad. At least that was good today. 
Maggie is not well. Bubba is not well. The inside cats have worms, again. Onyx has something going on with her eye. Cracker Jack is not doing any better. We lost a rooster today. Tinkerbelle has a cut on her leg that I have no idea where it came from. The donkeys will not stop fighting. We cannot get Hercules horn cut even though we have tried several times and we will continue to try. I feel like I am failing them all. I do not think I am seriously but some days are just rough mentally with taking care of all these animals. 
To make matters worse, I had a lady ask me about taking some goats. I would love to, but I cannot take anymore. She was nice about it. I then got a call later about a pig and and a dog. Again, I said no. Then I felt like that answer was not good because then she said they were going to have to put them down if I could not take them. I get it, they need a home. I think what people do not realize is, Ronnie and I spend a lot of money every month just on feed. We also have to come up with money for a farrier for animals and vet care. We also have to have money for water and electricity. We also have to live. Would I take them all if I could, of course, but I cannot do that. I have to be able to take care of the animals we already have. I wish others could understand that. I just feel like I am failing these animals I already have. 
Tomorrow is a new day. I have to remember that. I know deep down I’m not failing, but today sure feels like it. 

Word of the day is failure. Psalm 73:26

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