Wednesday, February 15, 2023

February 15

The weather is confused. The high today was in the eighties. Now, the low tonight is in the twenties. That’s a sixty degree drop. Welcome to West Texas. The wind was atrocious again today. 

As Ronnie looked out the window this morning, he saw a weird light and wanted me to look. It was not the sun, so I am not sure what it was but it was interesting. 

I got the best photo of Saverine this morning. I was so proud of that photo. I may have to use it on some stuff for the nonprofit. I’m still thinking about it. 

Cracker Jack still is not eating much. I’m starting to get really concerned. Ronnie put some fencing back up, so we put the sheep in the fenced part so Cracker Jack could eat in peace. Cracker Jack still did not eat much. I know he wants out but Mattie will hurt him if we let him out. I have to get him to eat somehow. 

Cinderella fainted again. She is starting to do that more. She has been here for months, so I cannot figure out why she is doing it more now. 

Jeb got his halter off somehow. That is something I cannot figure out either. 

Ted seems to be doing fine and no sign of infection, so that’s good. 

Everyone else is doing fine. Nothing new going on there. Today has had a lot of confusing parts. 
Word of the day is confusion. 2 Timothy 2:7

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