Monday, February 6, 2023

February 6

The morning show with the chickens is always fun for me. The chickens were up on top of the hay bale. Seeing that always makes me laugh. 

The horses were sharing hay this morning. Chief was being nice for a while anyway. They were all together in one spot. 

Ursula is still struggling with worms. I feel like I am giving her too many meds, but then I still see some evidence she is still having a problem. I’m hoping this last dose will do the trick. 

I noticed Pedro no longer has a limp as he went out into the pasture with the rest of the animals. I am grateful to see that. I was hoping it was nothing major and just from them fighting and that’s what it looks like it was. 

Yeller and Athena both have had problems with their eyes, but both are looking better. Athena’s still doesn’t look great, but it does look better than it did. 

Onyx took a lesson out of Jelly’s book and now follows me into the pastures. She is so cute. She even throws herself on the ground and rolls on her back to get belly rubs like Jelly does. 

The cows are not bothering anyone at feeding time anymore since Ronnie switched their food to cubes. They do not have time to mess with anyone because it takes them longer to eat. 

I got another Ewe-ber photo today. It cracks me up to see a chicken sitting on top of the sheep. Cracker Jack does this often, but now the sheep are allowing the chickens to ride on their backs. It was Wheezy today taking a ride. 

I forgot to mention yesterday, the horses did eat out of my hand for the first time. Takua and Saverine did, Spots is not sure about us yet. It means a lot to me that they are starting to warm up. It’s been about two months. It takes about three months for animals to understand they are in a new home. 

Gus wanted some attention again tonight and I gave him the attention he wanted. It makes us both happy. He is such a sweet boy when he wants to be. He can always be demanding and somewhat a spoiled brat. 

Darla also wanted attention since her and Gus are always in competition, so I gave her that attention also. She truly is a sweet girl. 

There is a group of chickens who just stay to themselves. They were all hatched together and they have all stayed together at all times. I love to watch them together. There is a bond there that will not be broken. 

The sheep are starting to shed their hair. I’m still in amazement that they shed. I had no idea that was a breed of sheep, but it is. It’s crazy to watch. 

I finally made Cinderella faint. I would not do that on purpose since I find in a little cruel, but I came around the corner and said something when she was not paying attention and she was scared enough she fainted and fell over. I felt bad but had to laugh at the same time. 

It was another beautiful night. It was almost 85 degrees today. Enjoy each day because tomorrow is not promised. 

Word of the day is not promised. Proverbs 27:1 

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