Sunday, February 19, 2023

February 19

We got a little rain today. Not much, but a little. Any is better than none. The animals all seemed to enjoy it. The high was in the sixties so it was almost perfect. 
This morning I got to see the donkeys. Pedro and Red still like to fight but I think they are constantly fighting over the lead position in the pasture. Ned and Pete do not fight like that. 

I also got to see their reaction to Athena which I had to laugh about. They do not like her much. 

There has been so much dust lately, I had to clean out Yeller’s eyes and nose today. That cat is so cute. 

It’s been an eventful week with Cracker Jack. He will not eat much. He has lost a lot of weight. We thought he was irritated with the sheep and that still could be part of it. We let him out last weekend but that was not going to work either. Ronnie wormed him with no new results. I have been concerned. We had started separating the sheep and Cracker Jack so he would eat more. He still is not eating much. The next thing I did was look inside his mouth. Let’s just say he was less than cooperative. However, I was able to smell what smelled like infection, so we started him on antibiotics. I hope that fixes the issue. 

The sheep are shedding like crazy. It’s February and they are already shedding their hair and starting to look better. I’m sure they will feel better when the hair is gone as long as it does not get cold again. 

I learned the trick with Chief is to feed him first, so he is not such a jerk to the other horses. 

Maggie still is not feeling well. I know that is not going to change, but now she knows it also. She is not eating as much and she has stopped going under the porch even though that has been her favorite place to be. She is declining and it’s awful. 

Just another day on the farm. 
Word of the day is caring. Luke 6:31

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