Sunday, February 12, 2023

February 12

Today has been an interesting day. It’s also been a warmer and beautiful day. 
Cracker Jack has really had me worried. He is losing weight and he is not eating like he should. I decided it would be a good idea to get him out of the pen for a while. It was easy to get him out of there. Things went well for about three minutes. Once Mattie saw him, things went downhill. Mattie wanted to play. I did not realize how much Mattie had grown. Cracker Jack really wants to be with Mattie and Noma, but I was surprised he was not injured within the thirty minutes he was out of the pen. It took that long to get him back in the pen and it took me and Ronnie both to do it, but we did it. 

Getting Cracker Jack back in the pen was not fun. Cracker Jack was even more mad. He refused to eat tonight. He took one bite and he was done. I decided to give him alfalfa and he ate. That was huge for him. I will have to give him more of that. I know he was overweight but now he is getting too skinny. I do not know what to do for him. 

Jeb did stay in the pen. He did not break out. The other horses are still staying by the fence as close to him as possible. Mattie, of course, is keeping him company as well. Hopefully we can get him to the vet this week. He cannot go to any vet because he will require surgery to fix him and not a normal procedure. 

Ronnie and I attempted to finish Hercules’ horn, but Hercules would not cooperate. We are halfway through the horn, so we will try again to finish it. 

I noticed tonight Sonny has hearts on his chest like Annabeth did when she was younger. I love that. 

Cinderella was cute trying to hide behind the sun shade today. She actually fainted for Ronnie today. 

Noma ate out of my hand while always makes me happy. She still does not enjoy attention but she will eat out of my hand.

I went to check on Russ. He is doing fine. He even let me pet him tonight which I’m not something he does. He has been let down by so many humans so he does not trust easily. At least he knows he is not going anywhere. 

Ursula got into the cabinet tonight and destroyed a roll of toilet paper. I do not know what it is about cats and toilet paper but they know how to destroy them. 

Tonight was breathtaking. West Texas has some beautiful sunsets. If you have not seen one, you need to. 

Word of the day is breathtaking. Psalm 27:4

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