Sunday, February 5, 2023

February 5

     Last week it was snowing with sleet and ice with temperatures below freezing. Today it was a very warm 75 degrees. Who knew?? I was warm enough, Ronnie turned the air conditioning on for a bit. We had been working outside and it was hot.

     Ronnie and I attempted to cut off some of Hercules’ horn since the other one is now growing into the back of his head. I say attempted because Hercules would not stay put. Ronnie got part of it, but we will have to finish it another day. He was done with us. 

     Pedro is still limping, but he is looking better. His limp is not as bad as it was yesterday. I wish they would stop fighting so none of them would be injured anymore but I know they just do that. 

     We had some people out today to hang out with the animals. That is always a fun time with telling them about Mattie’s Mountain and all the animals here. Mattie, of course, was a great little greeter and followed us everywhere. 

     I was able to get a picture of me loving on the dogs. I’m trying to take more pictures of Maggie these days because I know her days are numbered. She is hanging in there though. 

     Not much happened today, but it was a good day. 
     Word of the day is knowledge. Psalm 14:2

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