Friday, February 24, 2023

February 24

The last couple of days have been a little tougher than normal. I hated Cracker Jack having to stay at the vet and I know he did, too. I knew it was necessary though. It got cold again last night to top it all off and has stayed in the thirties today. Yuck. 

This morning the horses looked like they had things worked out, so that was a huge relief. I’m glad they are back to normal.

Ronnie called me at three thirty in the afternoon saying he was going to go pick up Cracker Jack. The blood work showed he was protein deficient. I’m embarrassed to say the feed he was eating was making him that way. It was all he would eat, but I did not do the research I should have, so I feel like it was my fault. I feel terrible about it. But, I have to move on from that and work toward him getting better. I ran to the store to get what he needed while Ronnie went to get him. Ronnie said he jumped right into the trailer. It sounded like Cracker Jack was ready to be home. When I got home, I mucked out the pen where Jeb was for Cracker Jack and added some pine shavings in there for him to be comfortable. He unloaded good and walked on the lead rope fine to get to the pen. He is unsure about being in there by himself. Ronnie mixed up the feed he needed and gave it to him. He still is not eating, but we are going to work on it. He was given a mineral block and he started licking on that right away, so hopefully he will get back to normal soon. We are not out of the woods yet, but it’s a step in the right direction. I am glad he is home and he seems to be glad also. 

Jeb is on antibiotics also after his surgery and laceration to his lip. He would not come eat when the rest of the horses did, so I had to hold the bucket for him to eat to make sure he got his antibiotics. 

All the other animals are doing fine. I was relieved today knowing Cracker Jack was coming home. We will just have to make sure he is getting everything he needs. 

Word of the day is relief. Acts 20:35

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