Saturday, February 11, 2023

February 11

Today was a warmer day than yesterday. The animals were all lounging in the sunshine. They all do that when it’s sunny outside. 

I saw Jeb and Chief laying in the sun with the other three in a protective stance around them. I had never seen that before so it was an interesting sight. They were all just relaxed. 

There was a fire going on somewhere in town and I could see the smoke from the house. It was not close enough to bother any of the animals but that is always a scary thing around here.

I saw Jelly watching Simone, a chicken pretty hard today. Simone likes to chase the cats, so I wondered what Jelly was thinking in that moment. 

I had known Takua, Saverine, and Spots loved water. I got to see some of that today. I had the water hose out filling up their water trough and Saverine came over and wanted to play in it. She would move the hose back and forth so it was going every where. She seemed to enjoy it and that’s what matters. She got Takua with it several times as well. It was pretty funny. 

Ronnie had noticed it was time to move Jeb into a pen so we could take him to the vet to get fixed. He was able to get him in a pen with no problem. Once he was in the pen, he was not happy and none of the other horses were happy either. 

Hopefully we can get him into the vet soon and get that taken care of, for all their sakes. 

It was a beautiful evening again. 

Word of the day is determination. Like 21:19

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