Wednesday, February 8, 2023

February 8

This morning was cloudy. Ronnie left early to go pick up our grandson for several days. He said it had been raining this morning. It was not raining when I left for work. 

As I left, Saverine was waiting by the fence wanting some hay. It looked like they still had some so I thought they could wait until later. 

Sebastian has been sick, so he is hanging out here. I went out to feed and Ronnie was hanging out with Sebastian. He was pretty content with his pop so I did not mind feeding. Persia was looking at Sebastian like oh great, he is going to find me and chase me. It was quite the look. 

Looks like Ted has started shedding. He did not shed last summer so he is full of wool. He has already started shedding it. It was coming out in clumps. 

Cracker Jack is still acting funny. I wish he could talk and tell me what was wrong with him. I miss him being happy. 

Jelly followed me around all over the place tonight falling over everywhere so I would pet him. He is cute. 

The donkeys came by this evening to say hello. I do like to see them at least once a day. 

The air was cool tonight so the donkeys were fighting and playing and doing what donkeys do. 

The pigs all came to greet me and say hello tonight. It does warm my heart to see them do that. 

Porky is getting friendly and came to the fence to see me tonight also. 

It was a good night with the animals being loving and wanting to be around me. 

Word of the day is attention. 1 Corinthians 10:31

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