Friday, February 3, 2023

February 3

     It was a beautiful morning. The ground had frost all over it. The roads were fine, but the ground was frozen a bit. It was a pretty sight. 

     I got home later than normal, but it was not dark yet. I do not like to feed in the dark. I know that is silly, but it is harder in the dark. We do not have lights set up throughout the pasture. When I get home late, the animals are not real happy. They are lined up wanting food. I get it though, the know their routine. 

     All the cats were home for dinner. I’m so glad they were. I do get concerned about Jelly. He still leaves during the day. I do not want him to end up like the others we have lost. He has been here almost two years now. Maybe he is going to stick around. 

     I caught Onyx and made sure her stitches finally came out and they did. I thought I would have to cut her stitches out but they were finally gone. 

     Jelly is still following me around in the pastures. He does not like to be left behind. He is such a loving cat. He follows me and then stops in front of me and falls over for petting. 

     Noma is starting to look pregnant. I hope I’m wrong but I do not think I am. She is starting to fight the cows for her food. She got some good kicks in. 

     Pork Chop has had a problem since we got him. He eats too fast and throws up. I saw him doing that tonight. I have not seen it in a while, but I did see it tonight. 

     Onyx and Athena were playing hide and seek in the hay bale. Onyx was up in the hay bale. They are so cute. I love to watch them. They are funny all the time. 

     It looked like Sonny had decided to form his own herd of hens. He is now in the shop watching over the hens in there. There are several in there: Julie, Rena, Squawk, Annabeth, and Raven. I left him alone in there. 

     When I came back into the shop, I did not see Sonny and I thought he had left. For whatever reason I looked up to the rafters in the shop and there was Sonny up in the rafters roosting. I sure cannot pet him way up there. He is safe from everything up there. 

     I attempted to take off Takua’s halter tonight but that did not happen. I also ended up ripping my shirt while in the process. I will keep trying. 

     I spent some time with Saverine tonight. She is so beautiful. She can be a sweet girl if she would drop her walls a little. 

     The moon is turning full this week. I usually look for the first star also. It’s beautiful. 

     You know, things do not always go our way through the day, but we have to keep moving forward. 
     Word of the day is moving forward. Isaiah 43:18-19

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