Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 22

Today was better. Except the wind and sand storms. Those were not better. I think I still have dirt in my ears even after a shower. Yuck. 

Cracker Jack is not any better. He is still not eating and honestly, I have not seen him have a bowel movement or urination. I could be wrong, but I’m afraid things are not good. I hope I’m wrong. He’s over twenty years old though, so I’m just not sure what is going on. He will be going to the vet tomorrow. I’m grateful he is going. 

Ronnie set up some stuff for Jeb tonight also. He will also be going to the vet. He has a condition where he has to have surgery to be fixed because one of his testicles did not descend. I’m praying for both of them. I am concerned about Cracker Jack for sure. 

The wind did knock over the cows’ and donkey’s hay bale, but it did not slow them down at all. They were eating just fine. 

I got close to Noma again tonight which always makes me happy. She still does not like it, but that’s okay. 

Bacon Bit gave me kisses again. That makes me unbelievably happy. She is starting to get back to the way she was before we moved. It’s only taken two years. The move was traumatic for her, but she is better. 

I even got to pet Wheezy!! It’s been awhile. 

I made sure to spend time with Cracker Jack tonight. He was loving toward me. 

Tonight you could see the moon, Jupiter, and Venus, so I made sure to get a picture. 

Things do look up after a rough few days. We just have to believe things will look up. Please keep Cracker Jack and Jeb in your prayers. Tomorrow will be rough for me and for them. 

Word of the day is better days. Matthew 12:40 

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