Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 26

This month is flying by. We have almost made it to March already. The weather here in West Texas seems to think it is March already. The wind has been extra bad today at 35 mph. That’s awful. The temperature got up in the 80s. We also had a short rain storm tonight with pea size hail. There was a weather advisory tonight about the dust storm. It has been that bad. 

Ronnie got the fencing up for the new pig pen for Gus, Treat, and Spam. I’m excited about that. He still has to make some improvements so they cannot dig out and we need a gate. It should be ready for them after that. I hope they like it better over there. I think they will. That was how it was before we moved. Those three together and the rest were in a different spot. I think there will be less fighting and less stress on them. I’m ready for it. 

Cracker Jack was actually holding his ears up today more, so that’s a good sign. He tried to run me over, too, which is his cue that he wants more attention. That’s a great sign. He did urinate more and he had another small bowel movement, so those are all good things. He is eating, but he still is not eating like we would like him to. At least we are having some progress. That’s important. 

The chickens are trying to hide eggs again. I found ten in various areas I do not normally look, but at least I found them. They are sneaky little birds. 

This afternoon everyone came out to eat and then stayed out in the wind except Porky and Leroy. They were the smart ones. 
This evening after dark was when the wind got really bad and when looking outside, everyone was in their shelters. That’s good. 

The only ones who are not that smart are my fence chickens. Most of them found another place to roost but a few were working hard at staying on the roost since the wind is so bad. I wish them luck. 

Word of the day is storms. Isaiah 25:4-5

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