Monday, February 20, 2023

February 20

Whew. What a day. Let me tell you, it’s been a day. Nothing bad happened but it’s been a day. The high today was in the 80s, but the wind was about 35 mph. It was insane. It’s hard to drive. It’s hard to walk. The wind is something I have never seen anywhere else. 

I loved on Maggie some today. She is having difficulty getting up so I had to help her. She can get up with some help after she has been laying down for a while. 

The wind made things harder to feed and water, but I managed to do it. 

I had noticed the house cats are still having difficulty with worms. I gave them all more wormer. I’m sure I’m going to have to end up taking them to the vet. Hopefully they get rid of them now. We will see. 

The animals were all able to eat tonight even through the wind. They did not even complain. 

Maggie was cute tonight laying outside and Athena right beside her. For some reason Athena loves Maggie and Pepper. Onyx does, too. 

I was able to spend some time with the horses. Saverine and Takua love water so I played with the water with them and they loved it. 

I was able to love on Chief some tonight, too. He is calming down some. 

Jeb is still in the pen. He is getting fixed this week. 

I found where the chickens have been laying eggs. There were twenty five eggs there. I do not know why I still get shocked by that but I do. I wish they would lay in one spot but they won’t unless we build a huge building with laying boxes. 

I got a picture today that I have been trying to get for so long. I sure was excited about that. 

Carlos is getting taller somehow. I thought he was already full grown, but I guess not. 

Cracker Jack got another dose of antibiotics tonight, so hopefully he will start feeling better soon. 

Word of the day is wind. John 3:8

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