Wednesday, February 1, 2023

February 1

     It was another cold day. There was a winters mix most of the day. I have not gone to work in two days. I am going to go to work tomorrow, I have to. 

     Since temps have been below freezing, all the hoses are frozen. Ronnie and I have been filling up buckets and getting water to the animals that way. It’s not ideal but it’s working for now. The temps are supposed to be above freezing tomorrow. I’m ready. 

     The animals are doing fine with the cold. Most of them have been in their shelters all day staying out of the cold. I do not blame them. I stayed in today also. 

     I did take hay out to the barn for the donkeys and goats. They appreciated it. They were in the barn and out of the cold.

     Chief had calmed down a little bit and all the horses were able to eat hay together. 

      Edith and Suzie Q are doing well in the coop even though there was ice all over the coop. 

      The pigs got extra straw which they appreciated. They will stay warm in their shelter. 

       The cats and chickens are doing well also. Everyone is fine even in the cold. 

      Word of the day is cold weather. Job 37:9-10

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