Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January 31

     The weather was supposed to get bad this week. I don’t believe it until I see it. I got up this morning to go to work and did not even look outside. I saw Ronnie heading outside to feed all the animals. As he opened the back door and stepped out on the steps, I thought he was a goner. The ice was so think on the steps, he almost feel out of the house and down the steps. The dogs slid down the steps. It’s 19 degrees and not going to get much better. It will snow tomorrow as well, or that’s what they are predicting. Ronnie will go to work today, but I am staying home. 

     Ursula has been crazy again lately. I guess she gets tired of me sleeping and comes over and knocks stuff off the beside dresser. I then have to lock her in the bathroom and she knocks off all the stuff on the counter. 

     It definitely looked cold out this morning. None of the animals wanted to come out of their shelters from what I saw this morning. I do not blame them. I stayed in most of the day myself. 

     As I went out to feed, I saw something I did not want to see. Josephine had somehow gotten in between the frozen doors on the shop and could not get out. She froze to death there today. I’m sickened and heartbroken. I know these things happen but oh it hurts my heart. I know she suffered which makes it that much worse. 

     The animals all got fed this evening like normal. They all looked fine. I was cold. The weather looked cold and it’s supposed to snow all day tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to that. It’s just a couple more days of this and then we will not be as cold. We just have to keep moving forward. 

     Word of the day is moving forward. Proverbs 4:25

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