Wednesday, January 25, 2023

January 25

     The snow did not stick anywhere so all was well this morning. The roads were fine to get to work and the wind was not blowing like it normally does. The temps did not get up to being warm, but they were above freezing. I’m grateful for that.

     I enjoy feeding and watering the animals in the evenings. It takes longer because I like to check everyone over but it helps me to decompress from the day. Today was a busy day. 

     All the cats were home when I got home. They are grateful I changed their food back and so are the chickens. I was glad to see Jelly home. Out of all the cats we had before the kittens came along, I thought he would be the first to leave but he is the only remaining one we have from the barn cats before the kittens. I am glad he has stayed this long. I hope he always comes home. We have a special bond since he landed me in the ER once upon a time. 

     I finally got a photo of the three look alike sisters who Ronnie calls the twisted sisters. They look like clowns running around which is a little creepy if I do say so myself. 

     Sonny has become of age and is now chasing the hens around which gets him chased by the other roosters. It’s a mad house around here with all that going on constantly. 

     Red did get the cactus out of his face. Pedro had one on him today and he would not let me get it off. That is no surprise. Hopefully he gets it out on his own. His looked deeper than Red’s did but we will see what happens there. 

     The sky was beautiful tonight and and the animals seemed to enjoy the sun. They were all in a good mood. That makes things easier. 

     Treat was out eating with the rest of them. I was concerned about her the other night when she snuggled in the straw without her friends, but she was fine tonight. That’s always a good thing. 

     Chief made a believer out of the other horses. They do not mess with his food now. The other four horses were standing there watching him to be finished eating which made me laugh.

     Saverine, Spots, and Takua are all working on being friendlier. I was able to pet all three and even have some kisses. That’s progress in my book. 

     Noma has been sitting by the fence more. I think she is missing Jeb. They had a pretty good bond when Jeb first got here. She seems exhausted lately and is laying down more. I am pretty sure she is pregnant and is feeling it. She is starting to look it and she has weaned Mattie finally so I think she is going to have another one. I hate that but I am grateful the donkeys are all fixed now so I do not have to worry about it anymore. Mattie will be fixed at a year old and that will be that. 

     Ned was all smiles again and it made my night complete. I love how happy he is. I love that all of them are happy. 

      Life will hand you lemons from time to time. You cannot please everyone in this life, but you can please God with your actions. Do what he wants you to do. 

     Word of the day is pleasing. 1 Corinthians 10:33

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