Tuesday, January 10, 2023

January 10

     When I got home from work today, I got busy feeding and watering. It was a race against time. I was late and it gets dark early. Our back light was out and Ronnie was going to grab one before he came home but he is usually home late, so I wanted to get as much done as possible. 
      It’s amazing but all the animals did eat where they were supposed to eat. Cracker Jack even ate again tonight, so that was good. The chickens ran around fighting, but that’s not unusual. 

     The chickens are somehow still switching the light off where Cracker Jack and the sheep are. I do not know how they do it but they do. I flip the light back on for them each evening. 
     I did give Cracker Jack and the sheep some extra hay and they shared it with Mattie and Noma. That was nice of them. 

     I had been noticing the pig light being out also. The cows like to unplug it. However, tonight I found the other end of the plug on the other end of the pasture. I am not sure he that even happens. I was able to get it back down to where is was supposed to go. 

      Maggie laid down quite a bit tonight but she seemed comfortable and happy. Pepper was right beside her. 

      The horses were interested in Athena since she was on the wrong side of the fence. Even so, she was behind a piece of fencing so they could not get to her. It was comical to watch. 

     The mares are still not liking Chief too well. He is such a good horse. I wish they would be nice to him already. I know he is having difficulty with the changes because they do not like him but hopefully in time it will work out. 

      Sonny gave me a bunch of funny looks tonight. I got several photos but he wanted nothing to do with me. I petted him anyway. 

     The high was 80 degrees today which is wild for January. It was warm enough, the pigs had dumped out their water and are already starting a mud hole. It will be a hot summer if it is already 80 degrees. I do not want to think about that. 
     While I was den in the pig pen, Bacon Bit gave me some kisses which really warmed my heart. It’s been so long since she had anything to do with me. 

     Ronnie did get home and get the light out back working, so that was good. 
     Life is never boring around here. 
     Word of the day is growth. Job 8:7

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